Friday, November 14, 2008

End of Season

You notice a chill going down your spine, your hands are colder than yesterday and the old boardshorts from early summer has been replaced by a worm couple of jeans months ago. You have barely seen the sun for weeks, the pavement is never dry enough to really enjoy your SuperDuper longboardskills and your just waiting for the next paycheck so you can invest in some shoes to your wetsuit because the water is fucking freezing! You realize it, all you can really do now is wait for the snow to fall and cover up the mountains, so you once again can shred some deep, nice, soft, orgasmic powdersnow. Aah - POWDER!

After a long summer with lots of sunny days and turfsurfing as well as some nice days in the water, you tend to forget about the feeling of the new winter season's first descent. But when the lifts once again start after a looong break, you feel a kind of tingeling (no - not in your dick) in your legs. They want to get out there, on the board - or skis. They have been secretly longing for the feeling of a deep turn in some fresh powder, a steep back - country drop or hovering weightless in mid - air and then landing that first, perfect jump. There's not a lot of time left to wait for that first descent. But man does it feel like a lifetime! You can't surf, you can't skate and no matter what - the lifts won't start, not yet. You have to be patience, not one of my best qualities. So I make the best of it. How? Well, you happen to have a Xbox360, PS3 or Wii and an extra five hundred bucks? Go to your nearest gamestore and buy Shaun White Snowboarding! An excellent way to waste time you would have spent on longboarding, surfing or being on the mountain shredding!

My only tip for you guys who, as well as me, are finding themselves in this annoying position: Be Patient. Yeah right, screw that - it's just bullshit anyway! Patience is way overrated! Just realize it guys - THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING YOU CAN DO! (Except for all you spoiled brats who can ask their dad for some money to go to the alps or Aspen or something..) 
So just chill out and hang loose all you dudes and dudettes! 

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